Wednesday 22 September 2010

Advertising Product: Team Fortress 2: Meet the Team

The game "Team Fortress 2" is an FPS Action Multiplayer video game created by Valve. It is a sequel (Or prequel according to the games in-game date) to TF Classic. It was released on October 10 2007 as part of "The Orange Box", containing HL2, HL2ep1, HL2ep2, and Portal.

TF2 used an unique advertising campaign, after releasing the games first trailer the TF2 Team at Valve released 7 videos onto the web, entitled "Meet the Team". Each video gave a description about the in-game classes and abilities, beginning with "Meet the Heavy", each new video being released with each class update.

TF2 was created by Valve, an American gaming corporation who also made other popular titles, such as Counter Strike, L4D, Half Life, HL2, and Portal.

The target audience for TF2 is based around 12-16, as the game itself only has mild blood/gore references, and also because it is less serious line from other games, such as MW2 and L4D.

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